"Your creativity training workshop gave me the opportunity and the space for a day to let my dreams fly; but more than that, I came away with tangible evidence and next steps to take in order to bring me closer to fulfilling those dreams. Great workshop!" - workshop participant
The Ecstasy of Creativity
In the business (busy-ness) of our lives our creative selves often get
lost! In this experiential workshop, you will reconnect with your creative
Through exciting and stimulating exercises, you will:
- Begin to live your cherished dreams
- Stay centered and creative even in times of stress and change
- Clarify your Creative Goals
- Decide on 10 exciting risks you can take
- Learn centering techniques you can use every day
And . . . you will leave with a Creative Plan of Action for the next 3 months.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars."
- Les Brown
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