Jeannie Lindheim

tel: 617-633-6338

Click to
email Jeannie
for more information
or if you have any questions.

Note from Jeannie –
Why a Center for Creativity?

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Alva Edison

All of my life, I have been passionate about creativity. I taught acting, movement, improvisation, and creativity for 30 years. I’ve also facilitated physician workshops, coached public speakers, and started a Hospital Clown Troupe. I love creating!

What is truly WONDERFUL about creativity is that you feel joyous, clear, committed, consumed, ecstatic, passionate, energized, fantastic, free, fresh, innovative, limitless, reborn, renewed, spontaneous, wonderful, and uninhibited.
So… why not create?

Creativity releases energy, excitement, joy, wonder, discovery, unlimited possibilities, adventure, choices, exploration, intuition, passion, spontaneity, and delicious chaos…

What more joyous adventure can you undertake than a journey into your own creativity?

If you have ideas and suggestions, please call or email me. Your input and feedback are invaluable.

In creative excitement,
